Lack of sexual desire in women
A lack of sexual desire due to any reason is very harmful for the family life of a woman. Man and woman have different sex hormones in their body which are responsible for sexual desire. Female hormone is estrogen and male hormone is testosterone. The ironical situation is that around 45 years of age the female body stops producing estrogen and symptoms are lack of sexual desire and vaginal dryness apart from other physical problems. On the other hand Testosterone in male body declines very slowly and the desire of sex continues till the age of 70-75. The imbalance causes relationship conflicts between husband and wife and sometimes males try to have extra marital relations to fulfill their sexual needs.
Sexual desire of a woman fluctuates in her whole life under various circumstances. Variation in desire occurs during pregnancy, after child birth, relationship issues, some illness, medication, menopause etc.
Menopause is the condition when a female stops menstruating or vaginal bleeding suddenly stops. This happens due to sudden decline in estrogen level in the body of a female which is around 45 years of age. Sexual desire in a woman is the highest between 27 to early 40’s and then after menopause it declines abruptly.
Menopause causes many adverse effects on the body of a woman but two major changes occur like low mood, no enjoyment during sex act, lack of sexual desire and vaginal dryness. This shatters the sex life of a woman.
Re-Aurat medicine is a herbo-mineral combination. The herbs are very carefully selected to enhance the sexual desire of a woman.
Makes a woman, a woman again in body and mind

Re-Aurat is completely safe as it is an Ayurvedic medicine
- It helps in balance of hormones in the body of a woman
- Elevates mood and relaxes the body
- Enhances the energy level
- Stimulates sex centers in brain enhances the feeling of sex
- Produces intense sexual desire as it used to be during 30’s
- Absolutely safe for all age groups
- It increases the sex drive which is suppressed due to any reason